Friday, February 10, 2006

5 second Rule

Beware: The following information could change your world view!!! Proceed with caution!!!
The "5 second rule" may simply be a myth! Apparently there isn't enough news in Springfield to fill the newspaper. This morning there was actually an article discussing the subject of whether or not the famous "5 second rule" was fact or fiction. Seriously, does anyone really believe in that saying? Sure, we all say it from time to time but we all know that whether food is on the floor for five seconds or five minutes, it has probably picked up something before we put it in our mouth. I was totally blown away at the seriousness of the article. As if there are people living their lives by this creed and they were doing the world a great favor by publishing the informatio--"WARNING-- food is in fact contaminated even after only 5 seconds on the floor"! Oh well, with all the terrible news we have to read in the newspaper I suppose this added a bit of comic relief! So don't forget, if you drop a piece of lunch meat on the floor today, even if its only there for 5 seconds, don't pick it up and put it in your mouth. You never know what sort of micro-organisms have made a home on your ham!

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