Monday, January 30, 2006


Just discovered myspace yesterday and created a site. For all 2 of my blog readers...don't worry, I'm not abandoning blogging! If you're interested, check out my site... Stan has one too...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bacon Steak

After spending nearly an entire paycheck at Super Walmart today, we decided to grab some lunch before heading home. As Stan and I were discussing where to eat, Grant chimed in with, "I want Bacon Steak." At first we were confused, thinking he was talking about the type of meal he wanted. Then it dawned on us that we had mentioned "Steak n Shake." Somehow from Mom's mouth to Grant's ear Steak n Shake turned into Bacon Steak. As we pulled into the parking lot Stan announced, "Welcome to Bacon Steak!" Grant was thrilled. Way too cute!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Rachel!

My baby sister is 15 today. Not such a baby anymore. Seems such a short time ago she was begging me to play barbies with her. Not many people know the joy of having a much younger sibling (we are almost 13 years apart). It's a very special relationship and one I'm extremely grateful for. Happy Birthday Rachel--I love you!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Ashton speaks for us all. Today, yesterday, the past two months--YUCK!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Favorite holiday memories...

I've posted about 15 of my favorite Christmas photos beginning with this one--the official 2005 Rodda Christmas picture!


Our little angel leaving his print in the snow!

Grant and Ashton with their new footballs on Christmas morning

My beautiful sister and me at church on Christmas morning. Yes, those are party hats we're wearing!

Rachel, Mom and me on Christmas Eve.

Stockings have always been one of my favorite things about Christmas morning!
One of the boys' favorite gifts is also the noisiest! At this age so many of their toys are alike--it was hard to sort out which gift belonged to which boy!

I got to get together with my girlfriends from college recently. These are some special women!

Just took my Christmas decorations down last night. Our house just isn't the same. I hated to lose the ambiance that the lights added.

Ashton recently discovered television. He especially likes Teletubbies. Unfortunately, the rest of us do not!
Making Dad's favorite Christmas treat--"wreaths"--Grant was proud!