Monday, June 27, 2005


Grant never crawled so when Ashton was 6 months old and still showed no signs of crawling we decided to do something about it! After talking to an occupational therapist from our church, we began doing upper body exersizes with Ashton using an exersize ball. After only 2 weeks of that he began to show dramatic improvement and now at 9 months he is beginning to crawl! I only wish someone would have been able to help us when Grant was this age. Because he never crawled his upper body strength is less than that of most kids his age. But we're working on that--lots of time at the park climbing on the equipment! Anyway, we are thankful that Colleen was able to help us with Ashton. Now I'm going to have to baby proof my house! I'll be down on all fours today checking out what Ashton can get to now that he's mobile!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Dad's Day Off

Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week--Stan's day off! We headed to Springfield today to pick up a few things and to have lunch. We decided to head out to Lincoln Memorial Gardens. It was a beautiful day so we had a mini photo shoot! Below are some pictures of our day. Check out to see more.

Ashton by the lake Posted by Hello

the boys Posted by Hello

Exploring Posted by Hello

Grant by the lake Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 19, 2005

It's Back!

The "hot topic" discussion has returned to my blog! My last post got 4 comments and counting...So I suppose I will continue to post hot topics along with journaling some of the happenings in my life. It's definitely encouraging to me and challenging as well to discuss these issues with all of you. I am finding that now, in my upper twenties (aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh, I don't like the sound of that!), that I am looking at things in a different some of my "opinions" that have always seemed like doctrine to me. I guess I'm just trying to look at things in light of scripture rather than basing my principles on what I was taught in sunday school. Seems like an easy concept I guess but its taken me this long to get it. A wise fellow blogger commented on my last post that God sees the heart first, before he sees the skin. I think some guy named Samuel also said that back in the OT but for some reason it really sunk in when I read that comment. So, thanks to all of you for challenging and edifying me. Keep the comments rolling!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Any opinions out there?

I've decided to give the debate idea one more try...
New topic--tatoos/piercings. Outside of the two holes in my ears I've never really had a desire for either...but not because of any moral/religious conviction. I think for the most part this is a generational argument. The older generation seeing piercings and tatoos as rebellious and destructive to the body. The younger generation seeing it as a form of expression. I have no problem with a piercing or tatoo...but I must admit there is a point at which I get uncomfortable. If I saw someone with one or two piercings and a few tatoos, no big deal. However, if I saw someone with MANY pierings and MANY tatoos I might get a little uncomfortable. Although I feel I am a very open person who loves to get to know people of all different kinds, I must admit I get a bit uncomfortable at the sight of an overly tatooed or pierced body. Why is that? And does the Bible say anything about this subject?

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Thank goodness its Saturday! It's been a rough week to say the least and I'm looking forward to starting a new one tomorrow. This morning Stan is preaching the funeral of a man who drowned Monday. This is the same man Stan baptized last Thursday. Once again I am reminded of how fleeting life is and how confusing God's timing can be. But I trust that He has a purpose for this regardless of whether I understand it or not.
I was blessed to have my Grandma here at the beginning of the week! This was her first visit to Petersburg so we hit the antique shops and of course Bean Counter, my favorite coffee spot. Grandma taught Grant the skill of making homeade noodles which Stan enjoyed immensely!
I've felt a little like a single Mom this week. Not because Stan isn't a wonderful husband and Dad, but because he's been swamped. I think we only had lunch together 3 times and we might have had one free evening at home with eachother. So I've been handling meal times, bath times, bed times by myself most of the week which is tiring! I can't imagine being a single Mom. It makes me appreciate my husband all the more.
My goals for do some deep cleaning, get all the laundry finished and to play outside with the boys. It may not sound like much but add my two little guys into the mix and it becomes quite the challenge! But I'm up for it and I wouldn't trade those little guys for the world!
Grant's new skill for the week: getting his own water from the refrigerator. He's becoming so independent! Funny how when you become a Mom things like this make you so proud!

Friday, June 10, 2005

just a test

I was trying out the hello program for putting pictures on your blog and accidentally posted one (see photo below). But as long as it's on here I guess I could mention how adorable my husband is and how blessed I am that he is mine! I love you Stan!

Misty and Stan Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 09, 2005

fun in the sun

The warm weather has given us the chance to play in the sprinkler and the slip n slide! Afterward the boys and I enjoyed a snack under the Huskers umbrella. Aren't they adorable? If this post doesn't get any comments I'll know no one is reading my blog!

My FotoPage

Blogging Blues

Okay, so I've come to the sad conclusion that absolutely no one, with the exception of my faithful friend Caleb, ever reads this blog page. Therefore, I am considering retiring the debate blog. It seems no one (once again, with the exception of Caleb) shares my passion for debating. Maybe I would find a more traditional blog more used to journal my thoughts. Then, in the event that no one reads it, the blog will still serve the purpose of an online diary of sorts. If there is anyone...ANYONE?...out there who feels the debate blog still serves a purpose, speak now or forever hold your peace, otherwise its byebye to this blog.