Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Punk Rock Christians?

My good buddy Caleb suggested a new discussion topic. Here is his comment in case you didn't read it...

What about punk rockers. I watched a new segment on Fox News about Punk Rock Christians. There was a young preacher of a church on the south side of Manhatten New York City. He was all tattooed, pierced, wore black clothes, loved to skate, and love punk rock music. They showed shots of his church worshipping and mentioned how it has grown. Then they interviewed a "Conservative" preacher in Colorado that said "they play punk rock music in their services. That is beyond peril to me." He said that born-again Christian will want to dress like Christians....WHAT DO "REAL" CHRISTIANS LOOK LIKE? The punk rock kid made a great point, he said if by wearing a suit and tie for church is like the early Christians, then we are far from that. The early church didn't wear suit and ties....they didn't have them!

Interesting topic--and not one I was very informed about. So I did a little research and came up with some interesting information. The punk rock scene is not just about music. Check out this website to see one band's view on the punk rock scene...
If this guy is correct in what he says, to call yourself a "punk rocker" and a "Christian" in the same breath would be an oxymoron. (This site is typical of what I found when searching.)I find it very dangerous to try to identify yourself with two groups who are so vastly different--punk rockers and Christians. The punk rock scene is anti-establishment, rebellious and a bit dark. However, if these "punk rock Christians" are just followers of Jesus who enjoy expressing themselves with a certain style of music, hair, dress, etc... I see nothing wrong with that. I guess it just depends on how far you take it.

Can't wait to hear what you all have to say!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow...I didn't know any of that about the "Punk" culture. I believe the punks in this news segment were simple people who have been labeled punk-rockers because of their looks and preferences...not because of the list of rules on this link. selfish are you to think you live solely for yourself...what a sorry existence.

Stan said...

I agree with Caleb. What a sad existence to live only for yourself with no one to support you or love. Kind of goes against the Christian idea of fellowship. As for the punk rock church, there is a porn church out there too. It is called the XXXChurch. You can find them at They are a church that exists only online and only to deal with the addiction of porn and helping people get passed the addiction. They share Jesus as the only Way to overcome porn. So I guess if the punk rock church is somehow sinful or pagan for trying to reach punk rockers, then this xxxchurch thing is sinful for trying to reach people who struggle with porn in a creative way. I don't know, but I think the "traditional" idea of church is quickly fading in the distance. Not that that is right or wrong, just my opinion.

Stan said...

What I really want to say, is that it is ridiculous for someone in Colorado to absolutely ride off the idea of the punk rocker church. It isn't for him to judge whether or not it is a good idea. If people are being brought to Christ and their motives are right, then I think God is pleased with the effort. But to get all upset and say we shouldn't do it that way or it is a sin, is just ridiculous. If so, we should all go back to blue (or red) hymnals with a pipe organ, lecterns, a few pillars and some fancy robes for the "pastors". Sorry, I just get really upset when someone tries to reach someone for Christ in a creative way, and everyone else gets all mad because it's not the "traditional" way. How ridiculous are some Christians going to get?

Misty said...

I don't think Jesus was "anti-establishment" in the way the punk rock culture is. Yes, Jesus did challenge the status quo as it pertained to the religious world at the time but He, and the rest of Scripture, taught that government was to be respected, prayed for and obeyed unless it was in direct opposition to God. But I agree with Jared...I don't believe that most Christians who are into the punk rock scene are probably not into anarchy and chaos. The preacher who has started a church to reach out to this culture is doing just what Paul did...becoming all things to all people that I may win one. I think the preacher from Colorado has confused "methods" with "message." As long as the message remains the same, the methods are just a means to an end. And as long as those means aren't compromising God's standards, they shouldn't be criticized and especially shouldn't be condemned.

Anonymous said...

Punk Rock is an idea that you do not have to answer to anybody. being a punk rocker myself I say it is totally stupid to label yourself a punk rock christian. It defeats the purpose of both the punk culture and christianity. As with most punks I am agnostic. I think that whoever is trying to spread the idea of punk rock chrisianity is a moron, and has o Idea what the culture actually means to us.