Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bacon Steak

After spending nearly an entire paycheck at Super Walmart today, we decided to grab some lunch before heading home. As Stan and I were discussing where to eat, Grant chimed in with, "I want Bacon Steak." At first we were confused, thinking he was talking about the type of meal he wanted. Then it dawned on us that we had mentioned "Steak n Shake." Somehow from Mom's mouth to Grant's ear Steak n Shake turned into Bacon Steak. As we pulled into the parking lot Stan announced, "Welcome to Bacon Steak!" Grant was thrilled. Way too cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say, I'm praying for you guys! Stan and I have been conversing over IM, so I'm kind of up-to-date on the......stuff! Love you guys!