Monday, June 13, 2005

Any opinions out there?

I've decided to give the debate idea one more try...
New topic--tatoos/piercings. Outside of the two holes in my ears I've never really had a desire for either...but not because of any moral/religious conviction. I think for the most part this is a generational argument. The older generation seeing piercings and tatoos as rebellious and destructive to the body. The younger generation seeing it as a form of expression. I have no problem with a piercing or tatoo...but I must admit there is a point at which I get uncomfortable. If I saw someone with one or two piercings and a few tatoos, no big deal. However, if I saw someone with MANY pierings and MANY tatoos I might get a little uncomfortable. Although I feel I am a very open person who loves to get to know people of all different kinds, I must admit I get a bit uncomfortable at the sight of an overly tatooed or pierced body. Why is that? And does the Bible say anything about this subject?


Misty said...

Thanks for the comment Echo! Stan has pointed out that same scripture to other people. It gets quite a rise out of some!

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that tatoos and piercings aren't referred to in the Scriptures except in a contextual form. Just like long hair, head-coverings, etc. I think pointing to the Scriptures to argue about the look of our outside bodies is a little ridiculous. Haven't we better issues to salvation and grace? I personally have no tattoos, but only because I know they will look really bad when I'm old, balm and wrinkly. Just a little too spontaneous for me.

Misty said...

Great comments guys! Although I am a bit dissapointed that we all agree! Just kidding! It would be fun to have someone who has a different perspective give their input though. Are there any of you out there?