Sunday, June 19, 2005

It's Back!

The "hot topic" discussion has returned to my blog! My last post got 4 comments and counting...So I suppose I will continue to post hot topics along with journaling some of the happenings in my life. It's definitely encouraging to me and challenging as well to discuss these issues with all of you. I am finding that now, in my upper twenties (aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh, I don't like the sound of that!), that I am looking at things in a different some of my "opinions" that have always seemed like doctrine to me. I guess I'm just trying to look at things in light of scripture rather than basing my principles on what I was taught in sunday school. Seems like an easy concept I guess but its taken me this long to get it. A wise fellow blogger commented on my last post that God sees the heart first, before he sees the skin. I think some guy named Samuel also said that back in the OT but for some reason it really sunk in when I read that comment. So, thanks to all of you for challenging and edifying me. Keep the comments rolling!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Okay, Bells I translated Stein Auf into English online and it means "stone up." I'm VERY confused! Fill me in on the lingo please!