Friday, February 17, 2006

Touchy Subject

Surprising what subjects can bring out such emotion! A friend recently blogged about stay-at-home Moms. She was expressing frustration that she had read another blog which said Moms who stay at home have it easy. (I share her frustration with that comment.) Anyway, her blog seemed to bring out a lot of emotion on both sides. I guess I just didn't realize what a touchy subject that was! I stated on her blog, and I'll say it again, ALL MOMS have a tough job. Whether you are at home or at the workplace, you are working all day long. The job is never finished--its 24/7. I have more opinions, but I have a feeling I shouldn't share them for fear of starting a revolution so I'll just leave it at that. I enjoy debate but at a certain point it gets a bit uncomfortable. (I guess it hit a little too close to home!)

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